Reply To: Horizontal post info in full-width


I’m sorry but Me + PHP = ~0 so I’ve tried to guess what exactly I should delete but it didn’t work :/

I’ve found mentioned functions as:

function pinboard_move_elements(container) {
			if( container.hasClass('onecol') ) {
				var thumb = $('.entry-thumbnail', container);
				if('undefined' !== typeof thumb)
					$('.entry-container', container).before(thumb);
				var video = $('.entry-attachment', container);
				if('undefined' !== typeof video)
					$('.entry-container', container).before(video);
				var gallery = $('.post-gallery', container);
				if('undefined' !== typeof gallery)
					$('.entry-container', container).before(gallery);
				var meta = $('.entry-meta', container);
				if('undefined' !== typeof meta)
					$('.entry-container', container).after(meta);
		function pinboard_restore_elements(container) {
			if( container.hasClass('onecol') ) {
				var thumb = $('.entry-thumbnail', container);
				if('undefined' !== typeof thumb)
					$('.entry-header', container).after(thumb);
				var video = $('.entry-attachment', container);
				if('undefined' !== typeof video)
					$('.entry-header', container).after(video);
				var gallery = $('.post-gallery', container);
				if('undefined' !== typeof gallery)
					$('.entry-header', container).after(gallery);
				var meta = $('.entry-meta', container);
				if('undefined' !== typeof meta)
					$('.entry-header', container).append(meta);
					$('.entry-header', container).html(meta.html());

and also few times as: pinboard_move_elements($(this)); and pinboard_restore_elements($(this));

I’m guessing the last ones are more like a call, and first ones are declaration, but deleting only “container” word did not work and I think there is something more to it. πŸ™ But I can figure it out and I’m left with such look πŸ™