ParticipantI posted first about this in “How to Customize the Theme’s Content Area” topic but then realised it would be more helpful it separately.
I really appreciate Daniel’s help, he’s been so helpful! Here is a copy of my first two posts in that original topic:mark9
Hi Daniel,
I have my posts displayed in 4 columns. Everything looks great, am really happy with your theme. Just one thing I can not resolve and wonder if there are any options available to make it to work. I constantly use shortcodes in my posts [like for example a shortcode for a Like/Dislike button]. In posts excerpts all shortcodes are ignored. Is it be possible for them to be recognised somehow?
Thanks in advance.
MarkDaniel Tara
Add this to your functions.php file:
add_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘do_shortcode’ );mark9
Daniel, I can’t even tell you how impressed I’m with your products and with the way you conduct you business. I’ve tried more than 20 different themes and honestly, I wouldn’t put them even close [even deactivated] to your one. Then you replied just few hours after I submitted my question! What can I say – top notch stuff!
Man, it didn’t work. Unfortunately.
It still ignores my shortcodes. I use 2 of them – one for a table from Tablepress and one for Like buttons from Likebtn.
I put that line you recommended right below this [at the very bottom of functions.php]:
if ( ! function_exists( ‘pinboard_copyright_notice’ ) ) :
* Display notification no posts were found
* @since Pinboard 1.0
function pinboard_copyright_notice() {
$copyright = pinboard_get_option( ‘copyright_notice’ );
$copyright = str_replace( ‘%year%’, date( ‘Y’ ), $copyright );
$copyright = str_replace( ‘%blogname%’, get_bloginfo( ‘name’ ), $copyright );
echo esc_html( $copyright );
Thanks a zillion!
MarkDaniel Tara
You are probably not using a custom excerpt but have it generated automatically. In this case shortcodes are stripped automatically by WordPress. You can either add a custom excerpt for each post or add this code in functions.php:
remove_filter( ‘get_the_excerpt’, ‘wp_trim_excerpt’ );
add_filter( ‘get_the_excerpt’, ‘pinboard_trim_excerpt’ );function pinboard_trim_excerpt($text = ”) {
$raw_excerpt = $text;
if ( ” == $text ) {
$text = get_the_content(”);$text = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $text);
$text = str_replace(‘]]>’, ‘]]>’, $text);
$excerpt_length = apply_filters(‘excerpt_length’, 55);
$excerpt_more = apply_filters(‘excerpt_more’, ‘ ‘ . ‘[…]’);
$text = wp_trim_words( $text, $excerpt_length, $excerpt_more );
return apply_filters(‘wp_trim_excerpt’, $text, $raw_excerpt);
ParticipantMy last post in that original topic before starting posting in this one.
Thanks a lot Daniel. You are soooo helpful! I thought it would more beneficial to have it as a separate topic, so I’ve just moved our conversation toTill today I knew nothing about custom excerpt, functions.php and all other things. Didn’t even know that WP
1] strips out all HTML and images
2] truncates your post to 55 words
3] adds this to the end of the text: “[…]“[the first item is my main problem, isn’t it?] I don’t know PHP and HTML but have just started educating myself with what is a a custom excerpt and how to create it.
I put in functions.php your recommended code, now I can see the text inside those shortcodes published but they are not read as HTML commands.
Back to my topicmark9
ParticipantI came across an interesting article about WordPress Post Excerpts
Daniel, can your additional code fix the 55 words thing and “[…]“? To make it unlimited in length and no “[…]“. But the main thing of course – to make it to read HTMLs
May be there is a plugin that can do this?
That article above says:
“In the theme, theme developers have access to the the_excerpt() template tag. If you have filled in the excerpt box, WP displays your custom excerpt”
Can not say I know what that means but your extra code did just that, isn’t it?Thanks a lot for your time! To say that you are the best – that not to say anything.
Kind Regards,
Daniel Tara
KeymasterYou need to also keep the line that I mentioned in the first post:
add_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘do_shortcode’ );
For what you’re looking for you may want to replace excerpts with content alltogether. Please see this post which explains how to do that.
ParticipantThanks Daniel. I would like everything to be displayed in 3 [and better in 4 columns]. With excerpts I should be able to achieve that but with content – most likely not, it’s probably going to be 1 column, isn’t it?
I wasn’t sure about the order – so tried both codes in a different order [but both time at the very end of the functions.php] – same thing, all shortcodes are read as if they are simple text.mark9
ParticipantThis plugin has solved all probs:
So far so good – exactly what I was after. Thanks a lot Daniel. Pinboard is the best WP theme on this planet!
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