First off thank you for creating such a wonderful theme! My question is if there is a way to limit the text in the slider window? And better yet to limit it to a certain portion of the post text?
Thank you in advance, I appreciate any help!
Any ideas or help on this question would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Hey there , dkjade. I was looking for this too, and found the answer over here: [url=][/url]. In short, press Alt+Shift+T before the text starts in your post (that is, as the very first thing in your post editor). It inserts a line (or <div><!–more–></div> in HMTL view) which stops the extract at that point.
I haven’t tried it part-way into the text of my post, but it might be worth a try if you want a particular extract on your slider image. Hope it works for you!
yhee, i agree with dljade,
i think there’s a way to do it a bit better…
thanks anyway !!
cheer !
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