Pages and Posts Disappeared

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  • #10740

    So I was playing with index.php trying to remove posts and pages from the home page and I apparently removed all posts from my website. I completely removed the theme and then reinstalled (and re-copied my style.css) back into wordpress, but my posts still do not show up. I activated the twentyten theme and the posts show up, so I am at a loss for what could cause the problem.

    Here is the site:

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


    Maybe the post in the portfolio are excluded from the blog page by default in this theme? Looking into your site, all the post that feeds the slider are there. So which posts are you missing??

    Alexander @


    I figured out my problem, but now I have another. I want only a specific blog category to show up on the front page’s loop. Does anyone know how edit index.php to accomplish this?

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