Static text at start of 'potfolio' pages

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  • #10930

    I have a page using the ‘porfolio’ template – but I need it to also show some static text before it shows the dynamic content. Having googled around it seems I need to edit the template’s PHP file to make it include page content (rather than ignore it as it does at the moment). I don’t have enough experience in PHP to work this out so I would be very grateful if you could help with the code to do this. Thanks in advance


    Answer to this question would be a great help in my case too.


    Maybe it’s better not to mess around with the code if you don’t know what you’re doing.

    A page is always static and is not intend to display dynamic content per se. Whereas a post is the other way around. Saying that, the portfolio consists of dynamic content in the first place.

    I recommend a plugin that enables you to add static content to dynamic content or vice versa. Andy you don’t have to mess with the code.

    Alexander @

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