Been searching for a good theme for ages and finally found this. I have a few questions. Been ages since I sat down with webcoding.
1. There’s a white gap between the nav menu and the header. How (and where) do I remove it? See the image link below.
2. How to I add custom fonts (one I’ve downloaded myself)? I know it’s possible to change the style.css, I just don’t know where and what to write.
3. The slider is nice. However, it’s getting really wide (same width as the nav menu) and abit too large on the height aswell. Any way to change the maximum values of height and width? See picture link below.
If I just can change these small things, I’d be very, very happy with the theme.
Can’t seem to edit the first post. I might solved some problems, creating others.
I managed to fix the width and height of the slider (with a simple height:x;), but now it seems glued to the left side, no matter what I write in the style.css (#slider). Tried posistion:absolute;, display:block;, nothing works.
The font question I managed myself.
The white gap i still there though…