I moved my navigation up top, and ever since i did my drop down menu on my ‘portfolio’ link is acting weird. It only works if you go over it really quickly. If you try to hover it slowly, it keeps disappearing and I’m not sure why. Has this happened to anyone else? Any know how to fix it?
Please see my issue here:
I figured it out…maybe it will help someone else who has the same issue. I had to change height to 10px; in .nav ul li in my style.css
.nav ul li {
Looks good. I think if you make a slight change to the font sizes in your header, maybe only a couple of points smaller, your menu will go back to its “correct” position. Looks good where it is, but if you wanted to change it I think the slightly smaller header font will realign it.
Love your photos by the way.
merkaba can you share the code that moved the naviation to the top?