Hello, I am trying to link my images in my header to different links. (i.e – facebook pg, Logo to home page)
A solution recommended to me was to hard code it in the header.php . The concept I am using is image mapping. I have successfully coded it in the header.php file. And it does show up in the header. But it is not linking my desired images to the respective links I set them to. How can I get this problem solved? Hope my explanation was clear enough.
This where I got my image map code from, if anyone would like to use this concept: http://www.onextrapixel.com/2009/04/30/how-to-create-multiple-links-on-a-single-image-with-image-map/
Here is my code is the header:
*(NOT ALL MY CODE in header.php, JUST A COPIED A SECTION OF IT SO YOU CAN HAVE AN IDEA WHERE I PLACED MY CODE)*<body <?php body_class() ?>> <div id="wrapper"> <div class="image map"> <img src="http://moorefurnitureinc.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/header_fixed-up_last_one_promise.png" alt="Header Image" usemap="#logos" /> <map name="logos"> <area shape="rect" coords="12.693,0.194,13.123,0.634" href="http://www.facebook.com/" title="Facebook" alt="Facebook" /> <area shape="rect" coords="0.062,0.542,8.464,1.604" href="http://moorefurnitureinc.com/wp/" title="Moore Furniture Co." alt="Moore Furniture Co." /> </map> </div> <header id="header">
lrobert4ParticipantBtw my website link is the following if you have to do any observations: http://moorefurnitureinc.com/wp/
Daniel TaraKeymasterWhy not use the built in social media links? I’m not familiar with the <map> tag, try asking the author of the tutorial you used.
Tagged: Header Issues
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