Videos overlapping content

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  • #16200

    Wordpress auto embeds MP4 files. Example code would be:

    This is my post. Here is a cool video
    [video src="" /]
    Thanks for watching

    But when I do this with Pinboard, everything is pushed up (text, tags, comment form) and the video lays on top of everything. I can’t figure out how to fix it. I’ve put it in div tags, add CSS to the div tags too, but it nothing helps. I tried a fresh install, no plugins, using Pinboard. Same result. This method works fine on other themes and default WP themes.

    Any suggestions?

    So the front page has the featured image and text like normal. The post page itself is where the video problem exists.


    I’m having the same issue; any help on this issue would be appreciated! Even with 1 post full length on the homepage it goes into the footer area; with multiple posts and grid it overlaps into that area.


    Anyone have any solutions?


    If I post 2 videos similar to what I mentioned above.

    This is my post. Here is a cool video

    [video src="" /]

    Here’s another one!

    The first video overlaps everything like I said (things get pushed up, looks like a css issue) but the 2nd video displays fine with the content.

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