Portfolio display on homepage – How to set text Except?

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  • #20538

    Hello, thanks again for a fantastic theme.

    I currently have my portfolio’s displayed on my home page. It seems it grabs information from the portfolio page itself, and because I have text on that page, it creates an except.

    On my homepage I Have three images, however the except length is different per each project!

    I cannot find under portfolio settings how to set the length of the except.

    Is this a theme editable option?

    My website is http://www.svcg.net/

    Thank you so much for your help.

    Daniel Tara

    I’m not sure why you’d want an equal excerpt. As you can see one of the items’ title also spans on 2 rows so that pushes the excerpt further down. You can always add a manual excerpt to any post, by programmatically setting the excerpt to span a fixed number of rows is impossible unless using a monospaced font.


    Thank you Daniel for the explanation and prompt reply. I appreciate your help immensely and please continue the great work done to support and improve this theme!

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