I came across Enlightenment while searching for a suitable theme for my new blog site. You guys have done a commendable job with this theme…its certainly the best wordpress theme currently available.
While developing my site around the Enlightenment theme…I have been trying to use an image (a 300×40 pixels png of the name of my website written in a customized manner) in place of the site title and logo. However, I have been unable to find a way nor have I come across any existing forum which discusses this.
I tried disabling the site title text in the navbar and uploading the image in place of the logo. However the image gets scaled down to a minute size to fit in a 40×40 pixel space. This is despite filling in 300×40 as the dimensions of the logo.
I am looking around for help with making this possible.
I’m having this same issue and looking for a resolution.
Thank you!
The logo image resize function has a few limitations due to WordPress core. In this topic it is explained how to overcome them.