Display Error with Fluidbox

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  • #21301


    currently I’m testing Enlightenment to figure out whether it is good for my purpose as photographer. One focus of my tests was therefore the presentation of images and galleries. Unfortunatly Enlightenment has several represention errors.

    I tried to follow the Enlightenment documentation for the landing page. So the following errors have struck me:

    At the following screenshot you see a part of the landingpage with two galleries:

    View post on imgur.com

    After clicking on picture number 10 in the second gallerie (section “Home Footer”) this is, what you see:

    View post on imgur.com

    Picture number 10 is shown in higher resoluten of fluidbox. But the gallery of the section “Home after content” remains in the foreground on the fluid box image.

    Is there a solution?


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