1. My parent nav item is showing up also in the sub-menu… so it essentially shows up twice when I click on the nav tab. For example, it should say Germplasm in the main, top level, then below it should have 3 sub pages. Instead, it shows Germplasm then the sub menu shows Germplasm, sub page 1, sub page 2, subpage 3. How do I fix this?
2. My logo uploads super small (16px tall). I have uploaded a version that is the size that I want (161 x 55) and I put those dimensions in exactly, but it still shows on the site the wrong size, way too small. When I change the CSS to make it bigger, the image appears very grainy since it is the SMALL version being re-sized bigger. Why won’t it just upload the correct size?
3. Where is the Appearace > Editor tab so that I can edit the php files directly without doing that via FTP?