How to change height of Full Screen sidebar?

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  • #22705


    Thank you for such a perfect theme!

    Give me a hint how to change height of slider (I need it to be a little bit smaller) in Full Screen Sidebar…
    I tried custom css:
    .custom-sidebar-4 {….
    but there wasn’t any changes.

    Home header (id-5) sidebar looks fine but it placed far from header.

    Thank you!

    Daniel Tara

    The correct selector to change the height of the slider is this:

    @media (min-width: 992px) {
        .sidebar-full-screen .custom-query-slider .slide {
            height: 480px;

    Replace 480pxwith your desired height.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Daniel Tara. Reason: correction to css code

    Thank you again!

    When I tried writing this selector there weren’t any changes in the slider.
    Perhaps something went wrong when writing or mistake in the code…

    Anyway, after some time setting up the site I got used to current slider height.

    Daniel Tara

    Yes, it appears I made a typo. Here’s the right code:

    @media (min-width: 992px) {
        .sidebar-full-screen .custom-query-slider .slide {
            height: 480px;

    Amazing how a { can make all the difference.


    Thank you, Daniel!
    Everything works perfectly.

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