Hi there,
Awesome theme i have to say.
But I was wondering; I made a demosite, where i configured all sidebars as described in your tutorial.
The contentmanager of the website wants to hide a few sidebars in the earlystage of going live with the website.
The sidebars that I made, can and will be used later on, when they have the (right) content.
But how can I easily, turn off a sidebar, and turn it back on after a while, when they want to make use of it?
With the same settings as I configured it now.
Cos, what I did now is set pages in conceptmode, but than you still print the sidebar <?php get_sidebar( ‘content’ ); ?>.
Any ideas?
Tnx and Greetings
Ok, nevermind, i found a plugin for just doing what I wanted.
Display Widgets ftw (y)