Hi there. I love the minimatica template. It is perfect for starting out my new business however I am having trouble figuring this out as I am new to webdesign.
My site really isn’t a blog but a website or static site. One page is going to be a blog and that would be the only page that would technically change.
What I am currently trying to do is when you select one of the front page slider images I would like it to direct you to a page that corresponds with the image. In that page I would like a photo gallery along with text.
Please help. I think I am really confusing myself.
my site is http://studioruedp.com/
First off you must realize that I actually have no idea what I am talking about. Despite a long history of programming and some web dev, I have been on WordPress or any php coded program for less than 30 days. With that said,
The theme is calling on the featured image of the post to generate the image in slider, the page (static) option does no provide a featured image option so what I think is your best bet is to set up a 301 Redirect. Search in the add plugins section for redirect and pick one that says it will set up 301’s. Then the end user clicks the image and is taken to the post which will auto redirect them to the desired content (on or off site).
If redirecting to your own site be sure to not include the domain in the link, only /my-intended-page not http://www.mysite.com/my-intended-page. (is a seo link juice flow thing)
This feature will be added in the next version. Until then you can use the External Permalinks plugin to direct posts to pages.