Photo gallery inside posts

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  • #6092

    Hi there!
    Does anybody know how to make photo gallery working inside posts. The example how it has to work is here on demo Pinboard (Features > Gallery Post) or this link

    How to make these pics show up in a big size when you press on thumbnail and navigate with arrows?
    You can find what is not working in my website, I am editing right now ( )

    Thanks for help


    Found it by myself πŸ™‚
    Just in case if anybody will need to solve this.
    You have to mark “Open image links in a lightbox” in Appearance > Theme options


    Hi, I’m having trouble with this. The images open in the lightbox but there are no navigation arrows to see the other images. How do I get the navigation?

    Also, is it possible to have a thumbnail image open to a series of images without showing all the thumbnails on the page?

    Thank you!


    To tizbo.
    When you insert media into the post, in the top left corner select “Create Gallery”. The rest is simple.

    But, I still had a problem – when clicked on image, I had message “not found”. So, go to “Edit Gallery” and for Gallery Settings “Link to” change it to “Attachment page”; Save. Try gallery. Come back here, change “Link to” to “Media File” and save. Hope this would help.

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