ParticipantHere is another guide to setup a PORTFOLIO PAGE and put in your menue for those who want to use templates. This procedure might have the advantage, that you can choose from a set of pre-installed templates to decide how the portfolio should look like. Please bear with my english as I’m a german
In this guide I will follow the PINBALL demo site.
Here is a step by step tutorial for you how to:
1) Create a portfolio main page
– Goto “Pages/Create”
– Fill in the “Title” with “Portfolio”
– In the dedicated box “Attributes” change the dropdown “Template” to “Portfolio”
– Publish the page2) Create a portfolio subpage
– – Goto “Pages/Create”
– Fill in the “Title” with “Portfolio, Four Columns”
– In the dedicated box “Attributes” change the dropdown “Parents” to “Portfolio”
– In the dedicated box “Attributes” change the dropdown “Template” to “Portfolio, Four Columns”
– Publish the page3) Create a another portfolio subpage (to follow the Pinball theme example site)
– – Goto “Pages/Create”
– Fill in the “Title” with “Portfolio, Right Sidebar”
– In the dedicated box “Attributes” change the dropdown “Parents” to “Portfolio”
– In the dedicated box “Attributes” change the dropdown “Template” to “Portfolio, Right Sidebar”
– Publish the page4) Make the pages visible on your site
– Goto “Design/Menu”
– Scroll down to the dedicated “Pages” box
– Tick “Portfolio”, “Portfolio, Right Sidebar”, “Portfolio, Four Columns” and add them to your Menue box on the right side of the page
– In the Menue box hover with your mouse over “Portfolio, Right Sidebar”, press the mouse button, hold it an move a little bit to the right to indent this entry under “Portfolio” to make it a submenue
– Do the same with “Portfolio, Four Columns”, so the two entries have the same indent.
– Click the “Save Menue” button!You can have a look at your site now. In the headline you will see a new entry named “Portfolio” und below that you will find the two added pages.
At this moment Pinball shows all your blog posts.
If you not feel happy with showing all your posts, you have to deal with categories. They will help you to select which posts you want to display in your portfolio.
5) Tell Pinball what to show
– Goto “Design/Theme Options”
– Scroll down to the “Portfolio Page” section
– Open the dropbox and select whatever main categorie you want to show in your portfolio.
– If you have sub categories from the choosen main categorie they will show up automatic on top of your page
– How to setup sub categories and how to use them correctly is mostly intuitive (or you might know already) but another story and shall be told another time… 🙂THAT’S IT !!
Alexander @ http://www.mouseclick.com
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