Hi, on my website http://www.sweetsourspicy.com/ I have the following menu structure:
home (posts / blogroll)
recipes (category)
about (page)
The theme option default layout is set to Full Width, though Home & Recipes (posts & categories) do not show full width.
I have tried different combinations of settings and searched sollutions, though no result. It might be something simple though…
Please help!
Thank you!
What grid dimensions did you choose?
Alexander @ http://www.mouseclick.com
Hi Alexander, it is currently on 4 / 4 / 4
Thank you!
Your pages show full width for the layout grid you’ve choosen. Remember that the “full width” is relative to that grid.
Alexander @ http://www.mouseclick.com
Sorry to jump in on the back of that – I am trying to get a full width blog / category page running, but am also finding that it is narrower than the other pages.
My grid is set to 2 / 2 / 2 – only because I cannot get a 1 / 1/ 1 – I do not want any kind of sidebar at all…
Seem to be stuck and would greatly appreciate any pointers.