Reply To: Hide sticky posts on all pages (not only on front page)


I’ve read your tutorial before, thanks for it! Unfortunately it didn’t solve my problem – maybe I did something wrong!

To Michelle and others:
I found a workaround for that problem meanwhile. I edited the wp query code in the blog-template.php. Between [ ( ‘posts_per_page’ ), ] and [ ‘paged’ => max( 1, get_query_var( ‘paged’ ) ) ] I pasted this: [ ‘cat’ => 5, ]
(A code posting function in this forum would be great!)
That means only posts of the category ID 5 will be shown. This is my “news” category. I got this help at the forum. I guess you can also change the code in ordner NOT to show the category ID with the slider-images. If you know php this would be quite easy, I guess. But me – I don’t πŸ˜€