Reply To: Feature Idea/Request: Random Content in Image Slider (aka Custom Query Setting)

Daniel Tara

Well, you should have said that to begin with. You have put quite a bit of effort into that website to keep it private. The site description is causing an overflow in the navbar that forces the nagigation to stack under a “More” link.

Here’s how you can make posts display in a random order:

First create a child theme. Then paste the following function in the child theme’s function.php file:

add_filter( 'enlightenment_custom_loop_args', 'enlightenment_custom_query_widget_random_order' );

function enlightenment_custom_query_widget_random_order( $args ) {
	// Here you can replace slider with list, gallery or carousel
	if( 'custom_query_widget_slider' == $args['query_name'] ) {
		$args['query_args']['orderby'] = 'rand';
	return $args;