Add secondary blog page and make visible on it only post from CategoryX ?

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  • #7930

    I have main blog page on with all posts visible
    I want to make secondary blog page on and display there only posts from category “Shop”.
    Then i want to exclude everything with category “Shop” from main blog page.

    As far as i understand i should:
    0. Make new page category “Shop”
    1. Make new blog template named “Shop” by copying template-blog.php as template-shop.php
    2. Edit template-shop.php
    — Template Name: Shop
    — $pinboard_page_template = ‘template-shop.php’;
    3. Make new top level page “Shop” with that template (
    4. Add ‘php query_posts(“cat=shop”);’ to my template-shop.php

    And i believe that should be enough to display posts from “Shop” category on But it doesnt)
    What have i miss?

    (excluding “shop” posts from main blog page is next objective)

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by CrazyDiamond.
    • This topic was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by CrazyDiamond.

    From what you want to archive I’m not sure I understand why you need a new template for that? A category seems to me suffiecient for your needs?!

    Anyway, maybe your query is misbuild?

    Try to add:

    (?php $args[‘cat’] = ‘31,53’; ?)

    before the query, whereas ’31’ and ’53’ are the categories you want to see. A “-” before a category number excludes it. You might also jeopardize the portfolio with your procedure, but that’s another story.

    Alexander @


    >> A category seems to me suffiecient for your needs?!
    Is it possible to do without making new template?

    My problem was because of using category slug. I didnt knew there is some ID also. With ID it works.

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