Adjust footer-area in Pinboard theme

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  • #16859

    I’m trying to make 3 columns in my footer, just like in the Pinboard theme Demo:

    But i can’t find where I can make this adjustment.

    Firstly I want use the “Footer” widget in the theme, but this widget is shown directly (column 1 and column 2) below the sticky slider (

    Is there a way to put the Footer widget to the bottom of the page, and not directly below the sticky slider?

    Someone can help me please?

    Because I’m going crazy of searching.

    Daniel Tara

    You’re using the “Wide” Sidebar instead of the “Footer” Sidebar. The Footer Sidebar displays in the footer in 3 column by default.


    No I don’t. When I use the “Wide” Sidebar, then the text Column 1 and Column 2 will be displayed under each other.


    Is there no one who can help me with this problem?


    Still haven’t solved the problem with the footer area. Someone knows an solution for this problem?

    Problem with footer area (Column 1 & 2)

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Piet.

    As Daniel said you, you use the wide sidebar (wide).
    You HAVE TO add your widget to “footer” sidebar or “footer wide” sidebar -> in apperance -> widget.
    “footer wide” will display a grey sidebar and “footer” a black sidebar…

    This makes no doubt because a quick look in the source page of your site confirm this.



    Myleene ,

    I’m using the ‘footer’ sidebar (see picture). That’s just the problem. I want a footer with several columns beside each other. It doesn’t matter which (footer) sidebar I take, I still have the wrong result.

    Maybe a thing what could have affect, is the installed plugin ‘Special Sidebars’. This plugin can change the layout of a sidebar.

    Footer Sidebar

    Daniel Tara

    That means you modified code and deleted on of the registered sidebars. Each sidebar has an index depending on the order which they were registered. The footer sidebar has the index 6 and the wide sidebar has the index 8. If you delete 2 sidebars registered before footer then the wide sidebar inherits the index 6. That’s probably why you add widgets in the footer widget area and see them in the wide area.

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