All posts disappeared

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  • #7030

    Hello all,

    Something odd just happened att

    I have a static front page (, and the news/blog page address is

    I noticed today that the news/blog page didn’t look alright. It only showed one post, not several as it used to. So I updated to the latest version of pinboard theme and guess what: ALL blog posts stopped working. Pages are still ok but all posts died. No matter where I try I end up on a 404-page.

    Not particularly fun, especially since the site is about a new book (release date thursday)

    Any ideas?

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Kristina. Reason: spelling

    Odd behavior 2: I deactivated one plugin (e-commerce) and now all posts end up on the static front page. I guess that is progress?


    Posts are now back in business. It was the the WordPress SEO-plugin that caused the problem. Or at least the links to the posts started working again when I deactivated the WordPress SEO-plugin. (Before, no matter if I clicked on a link in a RSS-reader or wrote the URL I ended up either on a 404-page or compleatly wrong).

    However, the news/blog page still only show 2 excerp, not 4 full posts before the grid.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Kristina.
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