alt-text in Header-Picture

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  • #21018

    Hello and sorry for my english, im german!
    I will use a picture as my header-picture. i upload a picture, write the description, name and alt-text, click on upload and save, and i have a new header-picture. Great!
    But… if i look at the Sourcecode, i see, the alt-text of this picture is just the title of the site and not my written alt-text.
    With the pictures in my content, no problem, but the header-picture is always the same, alt-text is the site-name.
    Do you habe a solution for my problem?
    Thanks a lot!

    Daniel Tara

    The Custom Header is a WordPress core feature and it doesn’t return the image’s alt attribute.


    Thanks Daniel for your answer. At the same time i found it on


    on line 20

    <img src="<?php header_image(); ?>" alt=.....

    You can see it on my site:

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by 84ck80n3.
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