Background Image Not Showing

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  • #13589

    Hello, thanks for the great theme!

    I have been trying to insert a background image into my blog but nothing has shown up. I’ve tried different images and still no luck.

    The site is

    The image is loading under Appearance – Custom Background, but when I click on “Visit your site to see how it looks” it doesn’t appear.

    Also, after the first time I tried to insert the custom background, the color picker box at the bottom of the Custom Background screen disappeared and now it only has a box with “#” in it. I have to manually type in the color reference. And even when I do this, the color does not turn up on the Background when I visit my site.

    If anyone has any suggestions as to something I can try to fix this, I would really appreciate it.

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by kpierse. Reason: Link didn't appear

    My apologies, I was looking at it in an outdated browser. Problem solved!

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