Blurry images

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  • #7007

    Why are the images on the frontpage grid blurry? If you open the image in a new window its crisp!?!
    How can i change it so the images is crisp on the frontpage grid??


    The same happens to me.


    I have the same problem with some of my featured images, too.


    I just tried to use the same image both as the featured image and as one of the pictures in the post. Featured image thumbnail was blurry, but image in the post was well. By the way, thumbnail on the frontpage and the image in the post are in the same size.
    You may check the post titled as “Guy Kawasaki: Nasıl Büyüleyici Bir İş Planı Hazırlanır” at


    I don’t no if this is the source of the problem, but the image in the post are 1px smaller both height and width then the image shoud be.
    I don’t have the knowledge to solve this my self. Can somebody please solve this! It doesn’t look good!


    A picture can only be good as its source.

    I tried to find an example on fanimekam but not sure what you’re talking about. Your original pictures are reduced a couple of pixel to fit into the width of the column…

    If you want them to be more crisp re-render them with a piece of software in the with of the column, use them as an article picture and and add a second, bigger one in the media library to use in the article itself.

    Alexander @

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Alexander.

    I have noticed the same. I think that the code generating the thumbnails for the grid layout view must be introducing the blur. I quite like it – it encourages people to click through to the main image.

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