ParticipantThis is what happen here http://www.kog.it/sito
When I publish a new blog article, I set a big featured image (at least 1440 width) since the same image is used as header in single article view.
Well, when I insert the article (first one is featured) I see that the image is
but when I click on the article, I see it in the single page mode, I see the image as header correctly and when I go back on the news, the image link is changed in
that’s the correct image. This in Chrome Mac latest, but seems to remain the same in FF.
Can you please check if the url of the first featured image is the correct one and let me know why this happen?
many thanks!
ParticipantTried some other tricks with no luck since the featured image of the first post has this code
<img itemprop="image" width="640" height="376" src="//1018442440.rsc.cdn77.org/sito/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/k1200lt_kog-640x376.jpg" class="attachment-enlightenment-blog-thumb size-enlightenment-blog-thumb wp-post-image" alt="Rinnovata la sezione KLT del sito KOG" srcset="//1018442440.rsc.cdn77.org/sito/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/k1200lt_kog-300x176.jpg 300w, //1018442440.rsc.cdn77.org/sito/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/k1200lt_kog-768x451.jpg 768w, //1018442440.rsc.cdn77.org/sito/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/k1200lt_kog-1024x602.jpg 1024w, //1018442440.rsc.cdn77.org/sito/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/k1200lt_kog-640x376.jpg 640w, //1018442440.rsc.cdn77.org/sito/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/k1200lt_kog-237x139.jpg 237w, //1018442440.rsc.cdn77.org/sito/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/k1200lt_kog.jpg 1440w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" title="Rinnovata la sezione KLT del sito KOG">
but don’t know why it uses the 640×376 image instead of the bigger one.any clue?
ParticipantSolved changing this in functions.php
add_image_size( 'enlightenment-blog-thumb', 990, $crop_flag ? 743 : 9999, $crop_flag );
to match the full width dimension of the featured image
Tagged: admitcard, bug, Featured Image
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