Hi there,
easy to solve I guess, where I can retrieve the design elements of this page ?
I’m interested in making a landing page with 3 responsive colums and each column should have contend linked to other 3 inner pages (could be 3 categories with a modified layout choosing from the available ones?) .
Is it possible to apply this kind of design elements also in the footer? on the demo page I saw that footer has 3 columns as well
Thanks in advance
This topic was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by wiking.
Sorry pal, you’re not able to see that the design elements are plain html with css support but want to change the layout?
Good luck… π
Alexander @ http://www.mouseclick.com
well i see that those are html + css but maybe somewhere there was a shortcode option, i’m stumbled upon this theme just cause i dont want to create from scratch so you know I gotta get all the data about it , if it is not worthy enough i will follow another path but that means more hours of work . btw do you think your one is an answer? maybe i did nont explained well myself anyway thanks for the time u spent on my query.
There isn’t a shortcode yet but it’s planned. For the moment those tags are only experimental and available only in HTML.
thanks Danile , i’ll give it a go for a lil project of mine π