Just activated this theme today. Very nice, thanks!
One thing though is that the posts are showing from top to bottom oldest first instead of newest first.
How do I change the order so that they show newest first like usual? The dates in all of the posts are correct…they’re just displaying backwards.
ParticipantHas nobody else had this issue that they’ve had to fix? I’m assuming this is the default behavior of this theme since I didn’t modify anything.
Anybody? Thanks in advance…
ParticipantAs far as I know, normal behavior is newest at the top, oldest at the bottom, not a clue why it wouldn’t just do that on your site… It’s kinda weird to be honest.
I don’t know how it could be happening, and honestly, since I can’t recreate it, it’s kinda hard to look for what’s wrong.. Sorry I can’t be of much help..louzucaro
ParticipantYeah, it’s very bizarre, but see for yourself:
http://modernil.comThanks for anybody who can assist!
ParticipantThe other thing that’s weird is that the Recent Posts bit in the head does display them in the correct order (newest first)
ParticipantHmm, I think I may have found something.
I believe it has to do with making posts “sticky” so that they appear in the big image rotator at the top.
I added this line right under the main page template line that says “”:
(shoot how do you put PHP code in here without it being deleted??)
And now my posts are in the right order except, of course, that the three posts I stickied to make them appear in the image rotator are first (in the correct order) followed by everything else.
I tried unsticky-ing the stickied posts to see if that would just automatically fix the order (without the extra PHP line referenced above) but no joy.
Also tried removing some of the extra widgets from the header that weren’t displaying anyway (for whatever reason) like recent comments, categories and…there was another one…can’t remember what it was now. Still no dice.
ParticipantOk, so here’s the code I added to the main page template after
to make it work without displaying the sticky posts:
Hope this helps somebody else at some point.
(sorry, I’m lost as to how to post code…using the code tags doesn’t seem to work)
Daniel Kraaij
ParticipantI’m having the same problem at this moment.
The latest wordpress and pinboard theme is installed.What i tried is the following:
I installed wordpress, then installed pinboard, created some posts with older dates (i am migrating posts from an older website) created some posts with current dates.
When adding posts i noticed the oldest post stayd at the top instead of the latest post.i tried removing and reinstalling the theme but no luck…
Perhaps a developer could give some insight as to why this might be hapening?
Daniel Kraaij
ParticipantWhile looking through the code (functions.php) at where it might go wrong, i found out that when not checking the “Exclude Portfolio” in the Theme options, the post order is correct again.
it would seem the following is incorrect or is missing something:
if( $query->is_home() && pinboard_get_option( ‘blog_exclude_portfolio’ ) )
$query->set( ‘cat’, ‘-‘ . pinboard_get_option( ‘portfolio_cat’ ) );
ParticipantThanks for that Daniel
I’ll try this again, but adding this to the Main page template before the loop also worked:
<?php query_posts($query_string . "&order=DESC&caller_get_posts=1"); ?>
Daniel Kraaij
ParticipantI would prefer myself to not touch the template files. If the Pinboard template has a new update then the modification would not work anymore.
This is perhaps something the developers should take a look at and push it into the next release.
Tagged: order, pinboard theme, Posts, sort
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