At the top of the page you have an RSS link and an RSS Comments link. Say I wanted to change the RSS Comments link to a link to my twitter account and replace the RSS feed button to a twitter logo. How would I do that? I’ve already copied this image to my images directory: http://wac.0873.edgecastcdn.net/800873/blog/wp-content/themes/cato2/images/twitter.gif
Daniel Tara
Open up home.php and replace the line:
<"a href="<?php bloginfo('comments_rss2_url'); ?>"><?php _e('Comments','cover-wp') ?><"/a></p>
<"a href="http://twitter.com/<?php the_author_meta('twitter'); ?>"><?php _e('Twitter','cover-wp') ?><"/a></p>
Then create a file mystyle.css and ass the following code in it:
#feeds { background:url(images/twitter.gif) top left no-repeat; }
or replace the url with the full path to the image if it’s not in the theme’s images directory.
Make sure to also enter your Twitter user name in your profile.
ParticipantHi Daniel,
I just ran across this which was something I also wanted to do.
I think these directions must have to be different now due to updates?I did not find that first line in “home.php”
but I found something very similar in “header.php”:
and I replaced it trying to match the changes (i can’t seem to insert it into this post without it getting cut even using the code shortcode)then uploaded the gif file to images directory of wp-includes, and changed the reference in mystyle to twitter.gif
Added my user name to admin profile.
But…. must have failed somewhere! Because the comments feed is gone, but no Twitter rss button shows.
Can you tell me how to get the full line of code into a post?
And then maybe we can fix it.Not urgent, by any means.
ParticipantThank you for working on the weekend π
That worked.
Two remaining issues:
-The button is still RSS button not “twitter.gif”
-Both of them are positioned so that the dark edge of the header runs right through the middle, horizontally, making it hard to read.Still not urgent…
Daniel Tara
KeymasterChattahoocheeNow said:
Thank you for working on the weekend πYou’re funny π
You’ll have to fix the 2 problems above from style.css, make sure the background and dimensions instructions are correct.
ParticipantOK. I will have to wait until I have put up a local instance of this site before I try to do that … can’t keep messing with live site, now that I have built a tiny audience π
ParticipantOK, using a cool program called Stylizer, I pinpointed the place in css to fix. It needed the addition of a line for “margin-top:12px;”
Participantwhy is it that we can’t delete our own posts in this forum format??
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