Is it possible to remove comments on some pages ?
I don’t believe that comments can be removed from just a few pages without writing code.
is there not a type of page that has no comment ?
Not sure if that helps, but you blacklist comments.
Options/Discussions (trying to translate from german)
This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Alexander.
you can go to Pages > All Pages and in the list hover over the page. Choose “Quick Edit”, and you should see a chack box for “allow Comments” . This is a wordpress feature, not theme dependant.
Per my understanding delphin is looking for a way to remove comments on some pages not hover over them one by one…?
Alexander @
I unchecked the comment option on the pages but now it says instead “comments are closed”.
Any idea how to delete this sentence?
Can you be more precise what you want to archive?
Alexander @
hello Alexander, the problem has been solved.