Would you please let me know how to install a comment link under every post on the homepage and other pages. Thank you!
my blog: http://frichic.com
The theme does not support comment links on overview pages. Neither any number of comments left. There is no page or pop-up to link to when clicking on a possible link.
Other than that each post have a standard comment function.
I having an similar question. At the bottom of every post you’ll see the author, date, and category. Is it possible to have a comment count in that bar too? So that people can see that this post already has X comments?
What I’m trying to explain you is that the WordPress comment area must be managed, organized and stylized. The support forum is not the place to discuss this kind of additional coding.
I would rather go for a comment widget that shows you who commented what in one of the sidebars, as there are many out there.