Copyright Notice

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  • #19498
    Lady Marina

    Hello! Sorry for the English) I wanted to know how to display Copyright Notice elsewhere, what code? Here’s a screenshot
    I created a css code for footer

    .site-footer {
    width: 1060px;
    margin:10px auto;
    text-align: center;
    text-shadow: none;

    and I want to display the Copyright Notiche within this code. Thanks in advance!

    Daniel Tara

    I advise you to use this CSS instead:

    .site-footer .container {
    	max-width: 1060px;
    	margin:10px auto;
    	text-align: center;
    	text-shadow: none;

    It does the same as your code but doesn’t break responsiveness.

    Where exactly in the page do you want to move the copyright notice? In your screenshot it’s still in the footer.

    Lady Marina

    Thanks for the tip! I wanted to to display his where the code © %year% %sitename% in the screenshot

    Daniel Tara

    If you also add padding: 0; to the code above it should display like you want it to.

    Lady Marina

    thank you very much, Daniel Tara!

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