How do I change either the color of the text OR background of current page’s link in the main menu bar? I don’t see it in either the Design or Typography tab.
I tried adding this css from Alexander’s tutorial
#access li.current-menu-item > a {
but the editor asked me to leave out the li, so I tried:
#access .current-menu-item > a {
color: #333;
and neither worked. I have main navigation items pulled from 3 sources– several are categories, 2 are regular top level pages, and the home page is blank page redirecting to the blog. They all behave differently after they’ve been clicked. You can see it at
Hi imcarmel,
Try to use the editor from the Jetpack Plugin rather than the theme editor for the suggested code.
Alexander @
That’s the one I’m using.
although I tried it in the theme editor after I got your reply (didn’t even notice it until then!) and it doesn’t work there either. 
That’s what I’m saying. Therefore try what I suggested.:)
You’ve lost me here.. You suggested using the CSS editor from Jetpack. .. which is the one I was using.. It doesn’t work.
I only tried the one in the theme options once, after your email.. and that doesn’t work either.
So, back to Jetpack’s CSS editor and it still doesn’t work.