Custom menu in custom sidebar widget

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  • #20009

    When I make a custom menu and use this in a widget, the links get messed up because there’s a missing hyphen (“) in the HTML source. Example:

    <div class=” role=”navigation” itemscope itemtype=””menu-professionals-container&#8221; role=”navigation” itemscope itemtype=””><ul id=” role=”navigation” itemscope itemtype=””menu-professionals&#8221; role=”navigation” itemscope itemtype=”; class=” role=”navigation” itemscope itemtype=””menu&#8221; role=”navigation” itemscope itemtype=””&gt;

    Is this a wordpress error, theme bug or am I doing something wrong?


    I have found the .php in which the ‘itemcope itemtype=”…’ part is being added. I cannot seem to find where the id’s of the div & ul are being set. It seems that the missing closing hyphen is causing the menu to break. Would be great if you can point me in the right direction, still don’t know if this is caused by wordpress or theme, but a google search results in nothing, so I guess the latter.

    Daniel Tara

    You can add this code to your child theme’s functions.php file to remove support for schema markup:

    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'enlightenment_child_setup', 50 );
    function enlightenment_child_setup() {
    	remove_theme_support( 'enlightenment-schema-markup' );

    Although I doubt the missing hyphen is caused by schema markup. Can you post a link to your page?



    Sorry for late reply, I was on a trip. The website is still is development, so it’s not live yet. But this menu thing is still the only hurdle. Any other things I can do or check? I did nothing codewise, just created a custom menu and appointed it to a sidebar.

    Maybe has something to do with the class? Because that is the property with the missing hyphen.

    Daniel Tara

    Until the next release you can find a quick fix here.

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