First off, awesome theme. Excellent design, and clean code (better than a premium theme I purchased… bad move). Thank you!
Anyway, I like how Pinboard allows me to exclude posts in the “Projects” category from the loop, so I can have a separate “Projects” page on my site. Unfortunately, all of the posts still have the same URL.
My goal is to have blog posts (posts NOT in the “Projects” category) have this URL: awesomewebsite.com/blog/2013/02/06/post-name-here/
And blog posts in the “Projects” category have this URL: awesomewebsite.com/projects/post-name-here/
I believe that makes the most sense for those browsing my site, since I’d like to have clean, memorable links for popular projects (which may be static, or occasionally-updated pages), whereas blog posts will be intentionally-dated material. I am open to ideas, though, if you think I’m doing it wrong!
Hi kjkjava,
This is not a Pinboard issue but a general WordPress one.
Try to goto WordPress general options and change the permalink option to your individual like.
Alexander @ http://www.mouseclick.com