Display Site Tagline In Enlightenment

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  • #18853


    I have read through several posts and can’t get this to work. Can somebody please explain in simple terms how I display the site tagline beneath the site title on Enlightenment theme. PS- the theme is really nice, thanks for the great work!

    Michael D

    Daniel Tara

    Open functions.php and find the function enlightenment_filter_header_class_args(). Add the following line before the return statement:

    $args['site_description'] = true;

    You’ll have to apply some custom CSS to make it look properly.


    Hi Daniel
    you suggested edits are not working, can you check this or maybe this is based on an older theme version?

    Thx in advance.

    Daniel Tara

    Try adding a function with a higher priority:

    add_filter( 'enlightenment_site_branding_args', 'enlightenment_show_site_description', 30 );
    function enlightenment_show_site_description( $args ) {
    	$args['site_description'] = true;
    	return $args;

    Thank you Daniel!
    But I think I am either too stupid or a total noob. Your suggestion does not change anything. Can you give me another hint?

    Daniel Tara

    Sorry, I made a typo in the function. Here’s the correct code:

    add_filter( 'enlightenment_site_branding_args', 'enlightenment_show_site_description', 30 );
    function enlightenment_show_site_description( $args ) {
    	$args['site_description'] = true;
    	return $args;

    Thank you Daniel, now the description shows up.
    Now it needs some formatting, I guess I can do that πŸ™‚

    Question: in my short test, the navigation entries showed up w/o icons and explanation text, is this expected or is it just because I still have to format the description with CSS?

    Daniel Tara

    Icons and descriptions need to be added manually for each menu item. The descriptions don’t display if the small navbar is selected in theme options.


    Yes, got that.
    But icons and menu descriptions do not interfere with the site description, correct?

    Daniel Tara

    Yes, they are 2 independent components that don’t interfere with one another.


    Ok, it seems I am way too stupid to do CSS nowadays.
    Can you help me Daniel to

    1) display the site_description below the site_title in the big menu bar
    2) hide the description when menu bar is smaller (same behavior as in the menu items description)

    At the moment I have 1) somehow there, but when scrolling and the menu bar gets smaller the description is huge again.

    Thanks a lot Daniel πŸ™‚

    Daniel Tara

    You can make the description display only in the large navbar by prefixing it with .navbar-large, here’s an example:

    .navbar .site-description {
    	display: none;
    .navbar-large .site-description {
    	display: inline;
    	/* Rest of styles */
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Daniel Tara.

    Works like a charm, a bit CSS here and there, and now I am good.

    Just to make sure I did not break things: the small/large menue is supposed to work in Chrome/Safari, right? This is not working in the latest Firefox…?

    Daniel Tara

    Thanks, I just noticed it doesn’t work in Firefox (anymore). I’ll see what I can do to fix it, Firefox changed a lot in their rendering engine lately.



    Thanks for the code provided. Is possible for you to make an update of the theme to have it fully implemented? It would be awesome!

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