Header Width doesn't align with content in Full Screen Width

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  • #20935


    Trying to catch you while you’re here Daniel.

    This has been a back burner issue that I had hoped to fix whenever possible (client site)

    The header image is wider than the content in full screen mode. At tablet widths it all matches up. At phone widths it gets a little crazy again. (Google also reports there are tap target issues – though I’m not nearly as concerned about that as I am the width of the header not aligning with the content or resizing for phones (If it’s possible))

    I’m attaching a screenshot (red arrow pointing to the issue top right corner of image)

    The site is http://thedesigndivablog.com

    Daniel Tara

    Try adding this custom CSS:

    .sidebar-primary {
    	padding-right: 0;

    Beautiful! Thank you again ♥ ♥ ♥

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