home – slider

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  • #2673

    how can I limit the number of posts displayed in home page (gallery slider)? i’d like to show only 8 posts: 4 in the first page and the others 4 in the second page, after that i click on the arrow ‘next’. in the second page i don’t want another arrow to right, because it’s not necessary – only the arrow to left to come back to the first page. anyone can help me?


    I want the same thing. I’d just like the ones on the first page to show.

    Daniel Tara

    Not completely sure about this, but try adding the argument [code]’numberposts’ => 8[/code] to [code]query_posts[/code] in loop-slider.php.

    Be careful since this argument is deprecated.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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