on my blogpage http://www.littlemissitchyfeet.com/, the first fully shown article has a different headline font/ size then the rest of the little articles shown in the 2 columns. I don´t know why. Can I change this and if so how?
thank you Doris
Hi doris,
looks like you changed something in your css file. Check for “h2” or “entry-title” class.
Alexander @ http://www.mouseclick.com
Hi, I have not changed anything – I don´t know how to! So, how can I check for the h2 or entry title?!
Hi doris,
In case you didn’t change anything try to deactive all plugins (don’t delete). Maybe one of them inject the code in an unwanted way.
Alexander @ http://www.mouseclick.com
no, that´s not it. tried it, does not do anything 
Hi doris,
try to add this to your css:
h2, .entry-title {
font-size: 32px;
line-height: 1.62em;
Alexander @ http://www.mouseclick.com