How do I change width of deticated news / post / blog page?

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  • #12753

    I have set a static page for my home page and blog page in Settings –> Reading –> Front Page & Posts Page. I am using the “Landing Page” template for all my pages because it is wider then the default but now my problem is all the pages are wide except the blog / posts page which is using the default template. Is there a way to change the width of the posts page when locating it on a separate page other then the home page to match my other pages?

    Thanks for any help


    Hi, I am a total Newbie to WordPress, but a seasoned CSS coder, so I am offering you this workaround that did it for me.

    In “Design–Theme Options — Custom CSS”, I added the lines below. This overwrites the WordPress CSS.

    .page-template-template-no-sidebars-php #wrapper,
    .page-template-template-blog-no-sidebars-php #wrapper,
    .page-template-template-portfolio-no-sidebars-php #wrapper {

    I hope that’s what you meant and it helps.


    Hi maonik,

    what has copying a code to do with seasoned CSS coder. Ans it’s not you who offer the code, but:

    Be fair and give kudos when referring to other peoples code. πŸ™‚

    Alexander @


    Alexander, so sorry you got the wrong impression – or I gave the wrong impression!
    I admire you and I wouldn’t dream to take away credit that belongs to you or anyone else. What you guys did with wordpress and pinboard blows me away.

    I just replied to this post because I had just solved this issue for myself. I didn’t see that you had a previous answer to the very same question, I just saw I had an answer and nobody else had replied.

    I hope you believe me, I’d hate for you to think I am plagiarising!



    Relax πŸ™‚ all good….


    Thanks Maonik & Alexander,
    I tried adding this code to Appearance –> Editor –> Style.css and now my blog page width is wider then all the other pages on the site which use the landing page template, any ideas?

    Edit, never-mind I was using the code from the linked thread which has a different width size specified. Thanks a ton for the help!

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by lukes.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by lukes.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by lukes.
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