How do I move text up and shift image to the right (in posts), please?

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  • #15568

    I have an issue with the Minimatica theme.
    When you click an image on the home page, it takes you through to the relevant post page (example here: . All I want to do on the post page, is move the text up so it appears at the top of the page and shift the image (it’s a featured image) a bit to the right so there is space for the text.
    I have tried every line of code in the edit CSS stylesheet I can think of, such as; float; margin; top; left; padding; align etc etc but none of it has any effect at all.
    Is there a simple line of code which I can enter into the edit CSS sheet to fix this or should I make changes into the template files themselves. I have tried to avoid changing the templates because I understand that any subsequent theme upgrades will remove any changes I have made.
    I would really appreciate any help with this since I have searched every forum/thread/and youtube video for an issue and I still can’t find a solution…please assist if you can.
    Thank you, hugo_v



    I am sorry, but I am unable to help you with your request.

    But perhaps you can help me? I noticed that you have successfully removed the sidebar on your home page.

    Would you be so kind to tell how you did that? It would really help me and others out!

    If you need to, here is a guideline on how to remove the comments section etc. in the bottom of the page:

    Best regards
    PS. I am sorry to hijack the post like this, but it seems to be the only way to get in contact with you on this forum.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by FirstNick.
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