How to customize similar to Pinboard?

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  • #18761

    Hi, how to customize similar to Pinboard? I am using your theme for and projects. I tried Enlightenment but: changes in typography setting Oswald font for titles are not effective; I don’t understand how to let the logo and the motto appear, seems that it has been replaced by the page header; How to set a masonry grid style with three grid column and right sidebar on the 4th column? Sorry i tryed in the theme options but wasn’t able to do that.
    Thanks for your themes!

    Daniel Tara

    Your wording is a little confusing? What do you mean by “is not effective”? Does it not change the font at all or is there some other flaw?

    If you want both the logo and site title to appear make sure “Hide Site Title Text” is unchecked.

    The 3 and 4 columns grid hide the sidebar by design. That is to avoid page clutter. If you want to remove it add the following in your child theme’s functions.php file:

    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'enlightenment_child_remove_grid_layout_filter' );
    function enlightenment_child_remove_grid_layout_filter() {
    	remove_filter( 'enlightenment_current_layout', 'enlightenment_filter_grid_layout' );
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