i made up a website for my band. I chose Minimatica because it’s a great theme and fits almost perfectly for me ideas of the website: http://www.blog.soundreportmusic.com (for now a preview version to get everything set up, so don’t wonder about the bad graphics)What I’m trying to do:
I want a slider which shows 4 posts (News, Band, Media, Dates). Each post should link to each page (News, Band, Media, Dates)
I put these 4 posts into the my category which i named “featured”.
The “News” Page, is supposed to be another blog category named “news”.I did all the linking stuff and it works perfectly!
What i’m trying to do now, is to set up the slider, to only show the posts from category “featured”. The “News'” posts should only be found at the page which links to the category “news” -> i do NOT want the News’ posts in my slider!
I tried a lot of things but could not work it out, yet. Any ideas?
ParticipantI’m having the same problem. I love the theme, and the slider on the HOME page is showing the 4 images I put there. But there is also a white arrow to move to the next 4 images in the slider. Problem is that each additional page on the slider links to my blogs (not pictures) and I’ve tried everything to get rid of them.
In case it matters, these were blog posts imported from wordpress.com. I even went as far as to delete the images within the blogs and upload/insert fresh images but that didn’t work.
Here’s the site link. Any help with this would be GREATLY appreciated. http://jakofartsphotography.com/
Daniel Tara
KeymasterThe next update to the theme will allow to select which posts will be shown on the home page, linking to images will probably also be possible.
Participanthi! thanks for really nice theme!
have the same question as hier is wroten, so just wanted to ask when it’ll be a new version?))) thank uScott Hepburn
ParticipantI saw another thread that recommended this technique as a way to hand-select which images display on the front page slider. I tried it, and it worked, but with one flaw: When I used a “Filter Posts Category” plug-in to achieve the desired effect, my RSS feed no longer detected recent posts if they were from an excluded category.
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