ParticipantGood morning, my question is about this website http://www.pugliò.it.
I need to modify the dimension of the header image (Pugliò). It is too big (as you can see visiting the webliste) and I need to zoom out it. Can you help me using the editor?
TRhank you very muchTorontoBoy
ParticipantHow much smaller do you want it? Do you know the number of pixels wide and high? If you leave your email I’ll resize it for you. You could use Photoshop or some other graphics tool.
ParticipantHi thank you very much for your response and for your availability. I have a question: in order to reduce the dimension of the image, do I have to reduce the dimension of the FILE of the logo image “Pugliò” or do I have to modify the editor of the pinboard theme?
Thenk you very muchKushif
ParticipantMy problem is similar and different:
I wanted to add a background Image fills the header, so the search button on the bottom float. Is it possible?TorontoBoy
The Pinboard theme allows you to add a header banner graphic to your site, through the theme area in WordPress admin. To change the size of the banner you only need to modify the actual graphic file, and then upload it to Pinboard. The Pinboard theme is not modified in any way, so when a new version is published you would have no problems.
I am only working with the Pinboard theme, but I do not think the background image will show through the banner area. There are items in the theme that would go on top of your background. What you could do is get the background image file and create a graphic banner with the same image design. While they would be two separate files they would look identical.Kushif
ParticipantI work with the theme Pinboard.
My blog is: egofriki.com
My problem is that I do not want my logo only appears above in the header. I want to put an image that fills that space blank and I do not know how.
If I go to Appearance> header and put an image that spans the width, it is not at all well. I’d settle for being able to change the color white on the other.gianvimake
ParticipantI modified the size of the graphic file using photoshop online tool. Thank you very much for your help
ParticipantKushif, veo que en tu blog aparece la imagen bajo la barra de menus. No se como conseguir eso, ¿me puedes ayudar? No consigo que aparezcan imagenes bajo la barra. Gracias.
ParticipantEl tema trae por defecto el Slider, que puedes activar poniendo como “fijar esta entrada como fija”. Las entradas que tengan esta casilla activada aparecerán en el slide. Sin embargo, si lo que quieres es algo más personalizado, como el slide que usamos en Egofriki.com, es otra cosa, uso un plugin llamado M-vSilder. Si necesitas ayuda, no te cortes y me preguntas.
Tagged: background, banner, image, pinboard, resizing
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