I’m trying to find out how to avoid the duplication of images at the top of a post – which happens if I’ve set a featured image for the post. Most critically, I want to remove that duplication when using a gallery.
I’m no php boff, but if I’m pointed to the file and line that I need to change I’m sure I’ll be able to do that without bringing down the whole internet.
thanks in advance
ParticipantI have the same problem. WP should provide an option to hide/show the featured image in the gallery, which is a very basic thing to do. Currently there is not much we can do with the theme, unless we tackle the JQuery and its function files to modify the codes a little bit and then the problem can be manually solved. Of course One Designs can update Minimatica to the same.
There is another basic thing for Minimatica to do: the ability to paginate the imbeded gallery, or we will end up having all our images on one single post page!!
ParticipantAdd This to loop-single.php, after </article><!– .post –>
[code]<?php $prev_image_link = get_post_meta($post->ID, \\\\\\\”_prev_image_link\\\\\\\”, true);
if($prev_image_link == \\\\\\\’none\\\\\\\’ || $prev_image_link == \\\\\\\’lightbox\\\\\\\’)
$prev_image_link = array($prev_image_link);
$prev_image_link = \\\\\\\’_external\\\\\\\’;
}if(!$gallerypage) $prev_image_link = array(\\\\\\\’lightbox\\\\\\\’);
//get preview image
$big_prev_image = kriesi_post_thumb($post->ID, array(\\\\\\\’size\\\\\\\’=> array(\\\\\\\’L\\\\\\\’),
\\\\\\\’wh\\\\\\\’ => $k_option[\\\\\\\’custom\\\\\\\’][\\\\\\\’imgSize\\\\\\\’][\\\\\\\’L\\\\\\\’],
\\\\\\\’display_link\\\\\\\’ => $prev_image_link,
\\\\\\\’linkurl\\\\\\\’ => array (\\\\\\\’XL\\\\\\\’,\\\\\\\’_preview_big\\\\\\\’)
));echo $big_prev_image;?>[/code]
I tested it, added a featured image which shows in the category arcive but does not show up on the actual post. Shuold work for you.
If my code doesn’t get across find it[url=http://www.kriesi.at/support/topic/how-to-hide-featured-image-in-single-post-pages]Here[/url]Jon
ParticipantI just discovered an issue with this fix. I have a multi page posts with a slideshow on the 2nd page. Since I added the code the slideshow won’t load. Hopfully no issues otherwise.
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