javascript(shadowbox) not loading in ajax refreshed pages

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  • #3500

    Long story short:

    I want to open all homepage gallery-slider images in shadowbox.

    Installed the shadowbox plugin and changed the “rel=bookmark” to “rel=”shadowbox”” in the template loop-slider.php.

    This works on the homepage but when i click the arrow to see previous posts (?paged=2), it stops working. when i load up my site using: it works.

    so my guess is that somewhere in AJAX refresh it doesnt load the shadowbox javascript.

    Who can help me out here? PLEASE!!!!!!


    I did it!!! yay!

    I had to add:
    Shadowbox.init({ skipSetup: true }); Shadowbox.setup();

    to the theme functions file, just underneath the line:
    jQuery(‘#slider’).load(link+’ #ajax-content’,

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by Daniel Tara.
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