Lanugage Plugin qlanguage doesn't work?

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  • #5052

    our website is and we’re trying to install the qTranslate (sorry just realized I named it wrongly in the title of this forum post) wordpress plugin to offer the website in English, Spanish, and German.
    everytime I activate the plugin the slider images of the front page disappear. I checked and the posts in all languages have the image set as the feature image, but yet nothing shows up on the front page.
    I have no idea how to fix this (I am a newbie to php and css, so please explain to me step by step if that’s an issue I have to fix in css or php).
    (I have now disabled the plugin so if you check the site you’ll see how it looks without the plugin).

    Thanks a lot.

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 9 months ago by Birdwatching.
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