Masonry and Lazy Loading

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  • #15703
    Dorell James


    I am trying to figure out how I could at least make Masonry work with LazyLoad plugin in WP (

    Take this site (my site): for example. That’s quite large images loaded there and I’m afraid as I add more the page will take too long to load. πŸ™

    Might be good if Masonry could work combined with Lazy Load for this theme. But how?

    Thanks, very nice theme indeed.


    Daniel Tara

    Masonry is dependent on the imagesLoaded() function to function properly. The reason is that the grid blocks dimensions need to be determined before masonry can calculate the layout. This essentially makes it incompatible with lazy loading.

    You could try using the JPG instead of PNG format for images, the decrease in file size is significant. The website also shrinks large images to the width of the blocks. You could try to create thumbnails for those images with this plugin.

    Dorell James

    Thanks for the prompt response. I was hoping that there could be some other way just like what I read on StackOverflow. For the meantime, I’ll use the plugin you suggested. Thanks once again.

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